Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Happy Hiking and my 2 new best friends

Sometime in September I noticed my left hip was starting to bother me.  I had been running a lot more, hiking a lot more, and sometimes carrying some heavy packs out of canyons full of elk, so  I just brushed it off and thought I had just pulled a muscle or something, but it soon became very annoying.  It hurt to hike, it hurt to do zumba, heck, it even hurt to roll over in bed!  I had tried to rest it and lay off of some of my exercises, but after returning to activity the pain would come back.  Finally I had HAD enough!  I called and made an appointment with a dr. that specialized in joint and muscle pain.  It would be several weeks before I was going to be seen, and jevelina hunting season was right around the corner, so I continued to hike and take some pain relievers.  Finally I was able to get in to see the doc.  He did some tests and concluded I should probably have an MRI.  I thought is was a torn muscle, and he seemed to agree, so he said I could continue my exercise program, but stop when I reached my limit.  The next week went well.  I ran a couple of times on the eliptical and just kinda ran through the pain.  It would hurt right at the beginning, feel really good during, and hurt like crazy afterward. I did zumba a couple of times, but I still coudn't do squats and other movements that required hips and quick movement.  But I did them. 
Finally the day of the MRI came.  I had been feeling a little better, and I even was debating on not getting the scan done, but I went.  I was not prepared for the type of MRI they did.  I was told to not eat before I went in, and that I was going to have dye injected, but for whatever reason I didn't put two and two together and come up with HOW the dye was going to be injected.  With a needle.. in my joint!
 First the area was numbed and then it was to be 1 quick stick into the joint.  It doesn't seem to be that easy with me.  It took 5 PAINFUL times to get the needle in the joint.  I then layed on the scanner for about 30 minutes while they took pictures of my left hip area.
After the MRI the doc told me I would prob. have a lot of pain because of the whole dye process.  He wasn't kidding!  It was a painful next couple of days.  I felt crippled and hobbled around a lot.  By the weekend I was feeling a little better and SO READY to get out and enjoy the nice weather.  I don't like to sit around.  I like to be busy and active.
Friday Clarence and I went to Young area to check his game cameras and do some hiking, and since the doc said it was ok to exercise, I was ready!  After a 2 hour truck ride he hopped on the quad for what would be another hour and a half.  We werent in any hurry, and the animals were out.  It was a great ride.  Soon we arrived at our destination for our first hike.  These hikes we would be going on were not new to me, and I have done them several times during the last year with Clarence.  The first one was going to be about 1 mile down.  Half way down was the game camera, but we went further down the canyon to see a beautiful waterfall that was going full force with all the moisture they had recieved the week before.  It was so beautful down in the canyon.  After spending about an hour in the canyon we made our way back up.  My hip was complaining, but it was doable.  We rode the quad to our next destination, stopping frequently as we spotted deer and elk.  The 2nd hike would be about 3 miles to the bottom.  The going on this one was a lot harder.  Since all the canyons were full of water we had to cross the water frequently, often jumping over rocks.  At first it was fun, but about half way down it was no longer fun for my hip. It was really starting to bother me, but I was outdoors and loving it.  We  stopped after about half way down to check the first game cameral  While we were viewing the pictures a herd of elk came tromping through the trees about 30 yards from us.  One stopped and stared at us, but the group didn't seem to sense we were of any danger to them.  It was so cool. We watched them as they made their way down the canyon, through the water, and then finally up the other side.
We finally made it to the last game camera.  It was so hot, and a quick foot soaking was called for.  The water was SO COLD!  But it felt heavenly on my tired feet.  We knew we had a long hike out the canyon, so we started on our way.  It was a lot harder for me to keep up.  I had reached my limit.  I kept falling down and it seemed like I couldn't pick up my feet!  I didn't know what my problem was.  It was a long hike out, and by the time we got to the top I was done for.  Thankfully I have a patient husband. 
We set off on the quad once again to the truck.  We once again stopped several times to watch the deer and elk on the mountainside or on the trail ahead.  It was just an awesome.  By the time we got back to the truck though, I was pretty wore out and very sore.  It was all I could do to get off the quad and hoist myself into the truck.
All weekend long I was pretty sore.  I was very frusterated that my muscle pain wasn't going away, and it seemed to start to get worse again.  Monday I went back to the doc to get the results of the MRI.  I was shocked at what he said.  Here is a scan of an MRI that is similiar to mine, but other hip.
A hip stress fracture.
 He casually asked me how my week was and asked if I had been resting.  Um, no.  I told him everything I had been doing the past couple of weeks, and apparently he didn't agree with my activities.  I reminded him that he was the one that told me I could still exercise, but he said that was BEFORE he found out I had a hip fracture.  He was as shocked as I was.  He told me that everything I had been doing was exactly what NOT to do with a hip fracture.  Then he threw in the bomb shell.  The treatment for this kind of fracture was NO weight on my hip, NO exercise, NO walking, NO anything but rest and taking it easy.   That's like telling a fish he can't swim! After being thrown that curveball I asked him why that type of treament was necessary.  He went on to explain that this was a fracture in the early stages, with some bone deterrioration and left untreated, could turn into a major crack, which would result in surgery and weak bones and then possible hip replacement.  Oh .  That's why.   So for the next 3 weeks I have 2 new best friends. 

If I'm really good and the fracture heals and the bone starts growing healthy again, I will be able to start walking again after my next visit, or I may have to use a cane.  Then after 3 more weeks I can start SLOWLY my activities.  This is really  hard for me!  But I know it will be worth it if it means I can make a complete recovery.  Here's to a long 6 weeks, and now maybe I can catch up on a couple of blogs.  Hopefully I won't catch up on  all the weight I have worked so hard to keep off.

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