Sunday, February 17, 2013

A "simple" procedure

For some time now I've been experiencing pain on my left side.  I know I've had womenly issues in the past, so I fugured this is what it was. It got worse and worse, so I finally decided to go in and get it checked out.  After being "violated" by the GYN doc I was told I probably have endometreosis.  Wonderful.  The best way to find out would be an ultra sound.  So I agreed to it and had that done the beginning of the year.  After the results were in the doc called me back in and told me he still wasn't sure what it was, but a SIMPLE small procedure called a laproscopy would help them for sure figure it out.  Silly me, I agreed.  Just like that.  The doc said it would probably be a couple of weeks out before it was to be done, so I out it on the back burner and didn't think much of it.  Friday they called to do some pre op.  Wait, what?  They told me to come in Monday for blood work and then Tues. would be the "small" procedure.  I felt good about it and so I did it.  I think I should have thought about it longer!!!
  Tues. morning I went in and had the procedure.  I had my mom come with me since I would be put out for the procedure.  I woke up a couple of hours later and was told that my ovary was connected to my bowels (ew, gross picture!) and that is why I was having so much pain.  I had an incision in my belly button, my hair line, and 1 more on my rt. side.  I was told in a couple of days I should be feeling back to normal. Only it wasn't quite that simple.
  I came out of surgery shaking like a leaf.  I guess I do this a lot whenever something tramatic happens (the docs have joked that I shook all 4 babies out!), but this time was WAY worse!  I couldn't form sentences and my body hurt from all the shaking.  They wanted to keep me in the hospital until the shaking subsided, but I told them I would be better going home because it could be hours before I stopped.  And it was.....
The next thing that happened is my body lost all ability to (ahem) relieve ones self.  After drinking 4 or 5 water bottles and 8 hours later I was dying!  Back to the doc for me to get help.... ugh.  By this time I was still shaking and stuttering like crazy.  I finally just stareted typing messages on my phone because I couldn't talk.  It was quite entertaining to my family and friends, but not so much for me.
  The next morning I made my way to the doc to get my "situation" under control.  Thank goodness I finally could do something by myself!  I was so glad to be free of the ol' pee bag. :)
  I spent the rest of the day healing, but still feeling yucky.  By Thurs. night I was in agony.  I still hadn't been able to.. how do I say this politely..... ok I'll just say it.  I still couldn't poop!  As I told one of the nurses, "my bowels are not filled with mercy nor compassion right now!"  After trying several different concoctions and starring at my VERY bloated stomach I did the unthinkable.  I started running a fever.... and was super naseous.  The doc became concerned and had Clarence bring me to the ER.  Thankfully they had a room already waiting for me when I got there.  They hooked me up to an IV and pumped me full of pain killers.  I had to drink 4 cups of barium so they could do an mri to make sure my bowells weren't cut when the "simple" procedure was done.  Thankfully my problem was fixed when I miracoulsy lost 6 lbs, in the ER.  NOT a recommended thing to do, but thankfully it solved the problem.  The MRI came back normal and I was able to go home.  And heal.  From a "simple" procedure.
When I was finally feeling a little better I did a little more reading on the subject of laproscopy.  I should have done that in the first place, but whatever.  I've decided that if a doc. says it's a "simple" procedure they have either 1) never had it or 2) be a guy.  My doc would be both.  Don't get me wrong, he was a GREAT doc and was very understanding and kind, but I do wish he would have told me to expect to be out for a couple of weeks.
So here I am almost 3 weeks later.  Did he fix the problem?  Well, yes, I no longer have my ovary attached to my bowels, and the tests came back negative for endometrosis.  Do I feel better?  No.  So was it worth it?  The jury is still out on that one.  I still have crazy pain on my left side that is just getting worse and worse, but at least I KNOW it's not any "womenly" stuff.   I think I may have torn my iliac muscle.  I guess I will be making a visit to the Orthopedic doc to see what's going on.  But if I didn't get the surgery I would still be thinking it was all womenly stuff... so at least I know! 
I'm so thankful for friends and family who brought my family meals and took Karly while I couldn't function.  I am so very lucky to be surrounded by so many awesome people!  I had my 1sr counselor take over for me in YW and she did a fantastic job.  I love that I have such great women to serve in the YW with.  I hope to return the favor some day to these loving and amazing examples in my life.

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