Monday, February 11, 2013

The Hobbit and Abraham Lincoln

The Hobbit came to Holbrook opening week.  Why to Holbrook?  That is a good question, and I don't have the answer!  But here's what I DO know!  Our local High School promotes healthy reading habits, and when the kids do well and excell they are rewarded.  There is a such thing as the million word club, and Clarissa became a member of this club JUST IN TIME to watch the opening of the Hobbit.  Aparently there was a contest and her english teacher won!  The prize was to take the kids who earned it to the screeening of the Hobbit, with popcorn and soda and the best seating in the theatre.  It's a little known fact that Clarissa is a HUGE fan of the Hobbit.  So of course she had to dress up to see it.  That is her story, and this is her interpretation of one of the characters in the movie.  Woo Hoo Clarissa!  I think she looks pretty good for a last minute costume of a Hobbit... or whatever the creatures are called.
 Ethan had history rocks this past week.  He chose Abraham Lincoln. 
This is how it went at our house.
Ethan:  Mom, I have history rocks coming up soon and I need a costume.
Me:  Sure son, when is it?
Ethan:  Um, in the morning.
So this is what we were able to put together last minute of our 16th president of the United States.
Not too shabby if I say so myself!  He was so thrilled for me to take his picture, can't you tell?  Ethan worked really hard and did a GREAT job on his speech, and I'm pretty proud of him! 
Now I wonder when the kids are gonna remember they have a science fair project due here pretty quick.......  I guess a mom's work is never done!

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