Monday, February 11, 2013

Snow Delay Day!

 We don't get snow here very often, so when we wake up with 5-6 inches, it's a pretty big deal around here!  We were hoping for a snow day, but instead we got a snow delay.... at least it was something!  Here are a few pictures I snapped of my kids enjoying their precious few hours of snow before school started. 

Ugh, I can't believe that TOMORROW Clarissa will be old enough to get her permit!   Where did the time go?
 Here's Kaitlyn right after getting hit with some snow.  She was lovin' it, and I hope she doesn't get sick!

Of course this is Ethan.... I don't know why he loves to pose like this so much, but I guess it's a boy thing!  He's so funny.  I can't believe how fast he is growing up as well!
 And now for this little one.... Karly LOVES the snow!  She keeps trying to bring it in to keep forever, but every time it melts she gets so sad and cries.  She'll go back outside and say "This time it will last, ok?"  I wish that SHE would last just like this forever!
After a couple of hours of going back and forth it was time to come in and get ready for school.... but I had to get one more shot.  MMMM, I love these kidos!
 And that's how you say Happy Birthday to Clarence!!!!!

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