Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The day the sky fell and left me an angel

Today started out like any other day. I got the kids out the door, did some laundry, and go on facebook. Yes, I'm an addict, but I'm still in denial. Typical morning, but by early afternoon things began to turn.
First APS came and FINALLY turned on our solar system! We are finally able to use our system that we had installed back in July. Woo Hoo!

Then the rain came. Not just ANY rain, but the sky seemed to be falling! Hail and rain came pouring down and soon my yard was a river.

Speaking of rivers, a couple of hours later Carol called me to come look at the wash running next to her house.

Talk about a raging river! It's been a long time since I've seen it this high. I got on my 4 wheeler and headed to the railroad tracks to make sure we weren't going to get flooded that way. Anyone who lived in JC when "the flood" happened would know what I'm talking about. There was a steady stream of traffic on the road as pretty much everyone from JC had to drive the roads to see things for themselves. I love small town living.

After making sure all is well and we wouldn't need to board the ark, I came home to find this:Isn't she pretty? This is the 4th tube of lipstick she's done this to! Why do kids love the things they aren't supposed to have? But isn't she the cutest? How can you get mad at a face like that? Little stinker. One more thing she did this morning that I thought was cute.

Clarence wanted a kiss good bye this morning from Karly but she wasn't having any part of it. So instead he gave me a kiss to show her how it's done. She watched me kiss him and said, "good girl!!" Yes, I AM a good girl for kissing my sweetie. So glad she realized the importance of it. I can't believe how fas she's growing up. Soon she will be ready for nursery and then high school. All in all it was a good day. I loved the rain and I love my family. Life is good!

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