Last Friday I was talking to Clarence about his upcoming trip to the Grand Canyon. He was taking 11 boys and two other leaders on a 17 mile hike in and back out of the canyon in one day. I thought it would fun, so I asked him if I could tag along. I think he hesitated for just a second before telling me it would be fine. I'm sure he had his reservations, and probably with good cause. I quickly made arrangements for the kids the following day and packed my bag before he could change his mind. I was going to hike the grand canyon.
I actaully have always wanted to do this. I have hiked Havasupi when I was 12, but that was what, like 17 years ago? :) Ha ha. I don't remember a lot about that trip, except for the fact that Clarence went with us and my dad would tease me about always wanting to hike with Clarence and his friend. I thought boys were still gross, and come on, Clarence was 17! That was forbidden! The last day we hiked a total of 28 miles. My mom says the last 5 or so miles I just held on to her pack and she drug me out of the canyon. When we got to the van in the middle of the night I fell asleep on the floor and my dad drove us home..... I STILL don't know how he did that after such a long hike.
So Saturday morning at 3 am we left the church and headed to the Grand Canyon. After a few stops along the way and a quick trip to drop off the other vehicle, we were ready to hike the canyon. It was about 6:30. We started our adventure on South Kiabab trail, and we would end up on the Bright Angel trail.
while the rest of us took it easy.
After about 2 hours we headed back out. We had to coss this cool bridge to get back to the trail.
We started the hike out ok, but then the switchbacks came. They first set was hard, but the view from the top was pretty cool!
We stopped at Indian Garden for about 45 mintutes to rest up and refil our water. I love these boys. They were an awesome group of boys. This is their pondering pose.
There was a lot of water on the trail on the way up. We found some really pretty waterfalls along the way.
After Indian Gardens te trail got HARDER. We were getting pretty tired (or at least I was) and we let the boys split up a little bit and take the trail at their own pace. We had the jackrabbit crew up front that seemed to never run out of energy . Next was the grasshopper group followed by the turtle club. I was with the middle group for pretty much the rest of the hike. The further up we got the harder the trail was. There were LOTS of switchbacks that seemed to go on forever.
We finally made it home from our adventure about 10 that night. I have gained a greater appreciation for Clarence and for what he does for these scouts. He is so patient and kind, which happen to be 2 attributes I strive to have. I am grateful I had this opportunity to go on this grand adventure with such wonderful youth and their faithful leaders. They were all great examples to me. I am humbled by their sweet spirits and their willingness to help out when called upon.