Friday, July 1, 2011


Today was an interesting day for me. I woke up and realized that my baby sister had moved away. I knew it was coming, but I wasn't really prepared for it to finally be here. When I got up this morning I thought about how much I was going to miss her. Sure, there's still the phone and facebook, but I have grown accustomed to seeing her on almost a daily basis. So when I got out of bed and off the computer (yes, I have a computer addiction) I decided I would set some goals for myself so I wouldn't wallow in self pity.
I worked in the yard for a couple of hours and began to feel better. I worked in the house and begin to feel even better. After dinner I read an amiazing blog by an old friend that truly imspired me. It was about his journey that he was taking to come back to the church. I cried a little and was inspired by his intensity and sincerety.
As the evening came a funny thing happened. I had an overwhelming desire to get out and run. I can't say I've ever had that before. Yes, I did run on Monday with Emlee and then by myself, but it was because she wanted to run. I was surprised to feel this way and decided I would run, but only for a little bit. Clarissa saw me get my shoes on and asked to come with me. Shocker. This is not something she has NEVER done before. I of course said yes and off we went. After a very short time she was ready to give up and stop, but I genlty nudged her on and we made it to a mile. It was an accomplishment for her to finish, and I was gratful to be able to help her with this and have a chance to talk with her.
Afterwards I felt so energized and decided to keep running, but just for a little while. I had some time to think to myslef, and I realized how truly blessed I am. I have a terrific husband and a wonderful family. I have 4 beautiful children, each with unique personalities and personal trials they face. I love each of them, and they teach me so much. I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to be apart of their lives as their mom. I feel very undeserving of these special gifts from above.
The weather was so nice outside and I still had a lot on my mind, so I kept running. I thought about a lot things and before I knew it I had run 5 miles. I have never ran 5 miles before. I don't even like running. Running is for people who have a death wish. But running, lately, has been soothing to the soul. It calms me and grounds me. It's my time to be away from everything and just think. I have no distractions and when I'm done I come home with a clear head, and usually a full heart.
I learned a lot on my run this evening, and I'm looking forward to the next time I have an overwhelming desire to run. Hopefully it won't be for awhile, because I just don't know if my knees can take another beating anytime soon.

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