Monday, June 13, 2011

8th Grade Graduation

I can't believe it happened! I was just going through life minding my own business and raising 4 wonderful children when BAM...... HIGH SCHOOL. Whoah, how did that sneak up on me so fast? Didn't I just give birth to this child last week? Next thing I know she'll be graduating high school and going to college. I can't believe that I'm going to have a kid in high school. It's official.... I'm getting old.
Clarissa has become a beautiful young woman in what seems like 10 minutes. When did she go from this:

to this?

Clarissa is my brain child. I love how she can memorize everything and then have an overwhelming desire to share her knowledge with anyone who will listen. She loves to read and write stories. Her favorite classes in school are Literature and English, with a strong dislike for Math and Social Studies. She loves the colors orange and lime green, and just about everything she wears and owns have those 2 colors in it.

Clarissa is very smart and does well in school. I think she'll do just fine in high school.... probably better than I ever did. Here's a couple more pictures from the graduation.

I used to dream of having to hasin to go to school with. Now we're blessed to have so many family members around and lots of cousins about the same age. I love this last picture of my mom and her 2 8th graders. She is so lucky to have the majority of her grandkids all within a stones throw of eachother. I love my family. They are the best!

Here's to 4 more years of school. Enjoy them while you can because if you blink they will be gone. I love you Noodle, you'll always be my little girl.

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