Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pardon me, but where did you get that hat?

Some animals are naturally smart. Some just aren't. For instance, we have a cat that is very efficient at bringing home treasures for us to see. Rabbits, birds, gophers, and mice are her specialty. Sometimes they are dead and sometimes they're not. She will leave them on the back porch, front porch, or when we REALLY want to impress us, our bedroom balcony on the second story. She is one smart cat.

We also have goats. We have 2 pygmy goats and 2 newbies. These goats are very good at finding ways to escape their pen, but still I wouldn't go as far as saying that they're smart. Let's take Doofy for instance. She's the black one. We named her Doofy because of her ears.... er lack of. She has already proven to us that goats CAN swim. She fell off the boat and into the pond a couple of weeks ago. We can always count on her to make us laugh. Today was no exception.

The wind was blowing like crazy and the goats were skittish with all the noises. I looked outside just in time to see 3 of the goats running as fast as they could from the back of the pond. Something had spooked them. I did not see Doofy. Finally I saw her come up from the back of the pond looking like this:

I think I would have ran away too if I saw THAT coming at me. Don't ask me HOW she did this or why, but that is one doofy goat!

1 comment:

  1. Sooo funny! I'm so glad your kids picked that name for her, she is just so....... doofy! Love this and all the pics!
