Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm just the incubator

When I look at these pictures it makes me smile. I know why I think I have the best lookin' kids on the block, because they all pretty much came from the same mold.People tell me all the time that my kids look just liker thier dad. I do remember I had something to do with each pregnancy, but apparently I'm just the incubator. Today is April Fools Day. Clarence was on his way to Lake Powell and didn't know what the date was. I called him and told him I had some news. I said I had been feeling under the weather for awhile and so I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. He was freakin' out and couldn't wrap his brain around the idea. I finally told him it was an April Fools joke. He didn't think it was funny, but I sure did!
But seriously, who wouldn't want a dozen of these cuties?

I wanna be that grinch!

1 comment:

  1. She looks SOOOO much like her daddy! And good job on the April Fools joke, I never am good at those dangit!
